Time Management
To manage your time, you should be conscious of what you spend your time on and try to find a balance among what you do. Also, a good way for a student to manage time is having a weekly planned schedule. Be aware of little things which take up time and try to avoid doing them. You schedule also has to be flexible, so you can fit in unexpected events as well as follow it. Break your tasks into smaller ones, therefore you will be able to do it more easily, without pressure as well as do it better. Writing down the things you need to do, such as keeping an agenda can also help. By starting early, putting the harder things to be accomplished first, and divide your time wisely, can make work less stressful and easier. Making a list and adding priority, can make things harder to forget or ignore.
After watching the presentation, I set a few goals for myself. My goals were to write down what I need to do, start things early and try to be finished before the due date. Since I have a problem with getting things done early and I always do work or study one day before the due date or test. There are also many unexpected events in my schedule, such as family dinners, friend's events, etc, therefore, if I had my work done ahead of time, I could go to these events without guilt or leaving homework undone. Due to the fact that I usually do things one day before the due date, I am not able to divide my work and time, and I am often stressed and feeling pressured.
In the last couple of weeks I have been writing down and making lists of what I need to do, which has helped me, since I don't forget it. I am dividing my time more wisely as well as starting my work early. These strategies have helped me, although I still have a lot to accomplish and improve. My biggest goal, as well as the area I have difficulty with, is starting and finishing my work earlier. I plan on keep working on this problem until I can overcome it and feel accomplished.
Isabela Buffara
380 words